06 May 2014

Meet Aarzemnieki before the big semi-final tonight

Tonight is the first semi-final in Eurovision Song Contest 2014 - and we're very excited to see the Latvian Aarzemnieki perform! They will be singing as number two - and the song is of course "Cake To Bake". Here's our interview with the group.

Can you tell us a bit about your experience when you won the competition in Latvia? Was it a big surprise for you or had you expected to win?
J: It was a total shock to win!
K: In the heart we felt that it was possible to win, but that we actually won was so shocking!
J: We were not the favourite to win. Some of the other artists entered the Latvian competition for the second or third time, and I feel bad for the second and third place because they have tried and tried to make it to Eurovision several times - but now this time Aarzemnieki came and took their place.
K: I think I can talk for all of us and say that we are very happy to represent Latvia this year.

Has it changed anything in your daily life in Latvia now that everyone know who you are?
J: Katrina lost her job!
K: Well, after end of February my life’s title has changed to Eurovision Song Contest, so it’s great to have this experience and it’s interesting to work with people and to get to know who knows Eurovision and who don’t. Also to find out how it works in Latvia and which’s fights you have to fight because of that.

Can you feel that your country is supporting you?
J: We feel that on the social networks. After the final the interest has become very high and nowadays everyone knows us on the streets and come and say hi and what a good job we have done – or if someone gives us bad feedback we just return it in a positive way.
R: for the first couple of weeks people didn’t get it, didn’t get us. But then we went to Amsterdam, and there we did our thing and people began writing good things about us. And now it has actually become a lot better, and I feel that we have become more appreciated.

How has it been to travel together as a band?
J: Most of the time it has actually not been possible. For promotion gigs we decided to focus on a few but special places like Belgium, Amsterdam and London, and to some of those places I went alone.

How was it to meet the other Eurovision artists?
J: In Amsterdam we had a great time! There was a real Eurovision atmosphere there, and everything was professionally arranged. We had a great time!
R: Yes, it was very funny, and since Jöran knows so many languages it was great fun to sing songs in other languages.

Yes, how many languages do you know, Jöran?
J: I can speak five languages, but in school I was also taught languages like Spanish and Latin, but those I don’t know very well nowadays. But I think I can do songs in nearly every European language.

What are your plans as a band for the future?
J: Right now we’re not thinking about the future. We take it step by step. Everything is going in such a high tempo and there’s so much media attention. But we don’t really plan that much, I think you can count the number of rehearsals we’ve had on one hand.

Do you have a special message that you’d like to convey with your song?
All: (singing)

”Mix some dough, add some love, let it bake, wait for it
Mix some dough, add some love, let it bake, wait for it
Mix some dough, add some love, let it bake, have some cake
Mix some dough, add some love, let it bake!”
J: Another message is that we’d like to challenge people. We’re not hoping people will be thinking our song is only “I love you so much and we’ll be together forever and always”. We want people to think “who are these guys, what are they all about?”

Jöran, we’ve learned you speak Danish?
J: Yes, in 2008 I was working on a Danish farm close to Saltum in Aalborg. It was close to Faarup Sommerland and I learned all the songs from there. (singing) “Der er så fuld af sjov, inde i en skov….”. I was also listening a lot to Rollo & King, so maybe I can sing some Danish songs for you at some time.

We’d love that! Thank you so much to all of your for the interview!

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