05 May 2014

A Eurovision Cake to the winner

Aarzemnieki visited Dessertdragens kageværksted in Copenhagen and met the owner Nanna, who was generous to share a few baking tips (does Aarzemnieki how to bake by now?). We'd like to thank Nanna and Dessertdragen for taking the time to meet us all.

Later Jöran and Nanna delivered a Eurovision cake to the lucky winner of the Eurovision cake competition that Dessertdragens kageværksted and LTV had arranged. The cake was a special Eurovision Song Contest cake with the logo handpainted on by Nanna. She explained to us that she always uses ingredients according to the season, and for the Eurovision cake she had used rhubarb as the main ingredient. The winner, Jacob Lentz, was very surprised to see Jöran and Nanna showing up at his work place - and of course it was a musical delivery!

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