03 April 2014

Presentation of Aarzemnieki: Katrīna

In the upcoming weeks until the Eurovision officially starts and before everyone will be arriving in Copenhagen, we will give a small presentation of the band members in the Latvian band Aarzemnieki.

First up is Katrīna, who we've learned previously has sung with world star Bobby FcFerrin, and appreciates life in all its senses. Read all of her answers here and get to know her a little better.

Katrīna Dimanta

Age: 23.

Violin on the stage (but I can also play chello, accordion, alto etc.).

Musician and receptionist at hotel.

If I was a cake, which cake would I be and why?
I would be some cake with surprise. Because I am full of surprises.

When I'm not standing on a Eurovision stage, I'm….?
I am having fun and enjoying life.

A special/funny/weird/awkward musical moment I've had:
Lovely moment – On my 18th birthday I had a concert and to this concert there came around 70 of my friends and surprised me. And also very special moment for me is when I sang a bit together with Bobby McFerrin.

A person I would like to meet:
If I could travel back in past, then I would love to meet Freddie Mercury.

Something I would like to achieve:
I would like to travel all over the world with performing acts for nice people, who like my way of doing things.

Something I appreciate:
I appreciate life in all it senses.

Something I would never do:
I would never eat 100 cakes in the same time.

My favourite Eurovision song:
I fell in love with “Fairytale” by lovely Alexander Rybak since the first time I heard it in the end of 2008.